La minería es una industria importante en Timmins, Ontario y sus alrededores. Atraer y retener el talento en este competitivo mercado de trabajo es un objetivo importante para nuestra operación en Timmins.  

Identificamos las prestaciones por maternidad y paternidad como una forma de lograr nuestro objetivo de atraer y retener el talento, además de estar alineadas con nuestros objetivos de inclusión y diversidad.

En 2021, Timmins creó su Política de Licencias por Maternidad y Paternidad, la cual ofrece pagos adicionales a los trabajadores que gozan de licencia y extiende los beneficios por encima de los que proporciona el seguro de empleo del gobierno. La política pretende apoyar a los recientes padres, sin importar su género, en el manejo de sus nuevas responsabilidades familiares. Los beneficios aplican a los trabajadores elegibles, tanto asalariados como de pago por hora.

Trabajadores asalariados

  • Licencia por embarazo: Beneficios adicionales hasta el 100% del salario base semanal previo a la licencia durante 17 semanas
  • Licencia parental: Beneficios adicionales hasta el 80% del salario base semanal previo a la licencia durante 8 semanas

Trabajadores de pago por hora

  • Licencia por embarazo: Adicional de $250 por semana por hasta 17 semanas
  • Licencia parental: Adicional de $250 por semana por hasta 8 semanas

Timmins seguirá evaluando la efectividad de la política y hará cambios necesarios para proporcionar beneficios favorables y competitivos.

Man and Son on His Shoulders Staring at the Camera

2022 Sustainability Report

Our 2022 Sustainability Report is pre­­pared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard. It also contains information in consideration of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting framework.

Mining is a major industry in and around Timmins, Ontario. Attracting and retaining talent in this competitive employment market is an important objective for our Timmins operation.  

We identified maternity and paternity benefits as a way of achieving our talent attraction and retention objective, in addition to being aligned with our inclusion and diversity objectives.

In 2021, Timmins created its Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy, which offers top-up payments to employees on leave and extends benefits beyond those provided by government employment insurance. The policy is intended to support new parents, regardless of gender, in managing new family responsibilities. The benefits apply to eligible salaried and hourly employees.

Salaried Employees

  • Pregnancy leave: Top-up benefits to 100% of pre-leave weekly base salary for 17 weeks
  • Parental leave: Top-up benefits to 80% of pre-leave weekly base salary for 8 weeks

Hourly Employees

  • Pregnancy leave: Top-up of $250 per week, for up to 17 weeks
  • Parental leave: Top-up of $250 per week, for up to 8 weeks

Timmins will continue to evaluate the policy’s effectiveness and make changes required to provide supportive and competitive benefits.

Man and Son on His Shoulders Staring at the Camera

2022 Sustainability Report

Our 2022 Sustainability Report is pre­­pared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard. It also contains information in consideration of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting framework.