February 19, 2025
Pan American Silver provides enhanced exposure to silver through large silver reserves and catalysts to grow silver production.
Stay up-to-date with our latest reports, presentations, and documents.
Tax Forms related to Pan American’s acquisition of Yamana Gold Inc. and Tahoe Resources Inc.
Pan American co-developed a guinea pig breeding project in the Condebamba Valley of the Cajabamba province, where our Shahuindo operation is located.
Aligned with our objective of co-creating economic opportunities with our host communities, Pan American developed a project to increase Avocado production in the Condebamba Valley of the Cajamarca province.
We identified maternity and paternity benefits as a way of achieving our talent attraction and retention objective, in addition to being aligned with our inclusion and diversity objectives.
Investor Relations welcomes your questions regarding Pan American Silver.
Pan American Silver Corp.
Vancouver Centre II
2100-733 Seymour Street,
Vancouver, BC V6B 0S6
Siren Fisekci, VP Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
1 (604) 806-3191
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